

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

TAURUS (23 July US/Canada/UK/Europe - 24 July NZ/Australia)
One of the most important formulas for professional success, for finding your vocation in life and ultimately reaching your full potential, is following your heart and your bliss. Finding a balance between work and play is less about putting each in separate baskets and more about finding ways to combine the two. It’s when you're willing to follow your heart and take some bold moves, especially on the work front, that you’ll alert the universe that you're ready.

Daily Love.  As the Moon wraps up his first visit to your romantic sector since Mars, planet of passion left earlier in the month, he leaves you with an update of the romantic passions and fighting spirit developed over the last 8 months. A reminder and a sense of direction is all you needed, with your inner romantic warrior now on a mission.

Daily Business.  While the Moon visits your work sector once a month his return today is one of his most important of the year. Returning for the first time since Mars returned earlier in the month this allows you to put Mars' passions and the Moon's instincts on the same page, allowing you to sense which battles are worth fighting for and which to walk away from.


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